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To delete a page in Microsoft Word || how to delete page in word


To delete a page in Microsoft Word || how to delete page in word

 "Delete the page feom word document || how to delete page in word"How do I Delete a page in Word that won't Delete?
How do I Delete a page in Word that doesn't have anything?

To delete a page in Microsoft Word, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Using the Backspace or Delete key

1:-   Open your Word document.
2:-   Go to the page you want to delete. You can navigate to a specific page using the scroll bar or by pressing Ctrl+G and entering the page number.
3:-    Place your cursor at the beginning or end of the content on the page you want to delete.
4:-     Press the Backspace key (for content before the cursor) or the Delete key (for content after the cursor) until all the content on the page is removed.
5:-      Repeat the above steps if there is more than one page you want to delete.

Method 2: Using the Navigation Pane

1:-   Open your Word document.
2:-   Click on the "View" tab in the ribbon.
3:-   Check the "Navigation Pane" option in the "Show" section. This will open the Navigation Pane on the left side of the window.

4:-    In the Navigation Pane, click on the "Pages" tab. This will display thumbnails of all the pages in your document.
5:-    Locate the page you want to delete in the Navigation Pane and click on its thumbnail to select it.
6:-    Press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the selected page.
7:-    Repeat the above steps if there is more than one page you want to delete.

Method 3: Using the Page Break feature

1:-   Open your Word document.
2:-   Go to the page just before the one you want to delete.
3:-   Place your cursor at the end of the content on that page.
4:-    On the "Insert" tab in the ribbon, click on the "Page Break" button in the "Pages" section. This will insert a page break and move the content to the next page.

5:-    Repeat the above steps if there are multiple pages you want to delete.

These methods should help you delete unwanted pages in your Word document. Remember to save your document after making any changes.

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